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    Michigan Alliance for Families:

    Your free guide to special education.

    Michigan Alliance for Families provides information, support, and education for families who have children and young adults (birth to 26 years of age) who receive (or may be eligible to receive) special education services. This website can help you with finding information on special education issues as well as disability specific information.

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Special Education Resources

Answers about your child's special education program

Disability Information

Information about your child's disability


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Upcoming Events

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Need help navigating the special education system? Talk to a parent who's been there.

Connect directly with one of our local parent mentors to address your family's needs. Their perspective can not only help you navigate the system, but they can also help you be more involved in your child's education. All Michigan families are able to access an extensive collection of electronic or printed resources, informational support and referrals to local community resources. To get in touch with a Michigan Alliance for Families staff member, Contact Us.


News & Updates

Facebook Feed

Our friends at Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council is offering upcoming “Planning for a Good Life” Workshops. These workshops are designed to help individuals and families think about their future, set meaningful goals, and create a vision for a good life.Whether you’re planning for yourself, a loved one, or supporting someone on their journey, this workshop provides practical tools and strategies to help you:✔Develop a vision for your good life✔Explore your strengths, needs, and aspirations✔Organize your thoughts and speak up for what you want✔Identify how to find and develop supports For more information and to register for a workshop, follow the registration info on the flyer. Questions can be directed to Tracy Vincent at vincentt1@michigan.gov. ... See MoreSee Less
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Join us to take a closer look at the IFSP!The Individualized Family Service Plan includes your child’s current level of development, and explains what kind of services will be provided, who will provide them, how often and where.This webinar can help you • prioritize your greatest concerns• learn how to address those concerns• improve your ability to have productive conversations Families with a child under 3 with an IFSP and parents who have concerns about their young child's development are invited to register today to join us on Wednesday, April 16 at 12:00pm-1:30pm. Register at tinyurl.com/37fzcs88See our full calendar of upcoming events at www.michiganallianceforfamilies.org/upcoming-events/ ... See MoreSee Less
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An IEP isn't based off good luck, but built from good PLAAFP statement, with collaboration to ensure your child receives the special education services and supports they need to succeed. Get a better understanding of your child's IEP by taking a closer look at the core areas and how they build on each other. We'll also talk about how to get your concerns addressed. Time is set aside to ask your questions.Join us next on Wednesday April 23 at 12pm. Register at tinyurl.com/yuyhfpcpThis workshop can help you:✔️ take a more in depth look at the core areas of the IEP✔️ prioritize your greatest concerns✔️ learn how to address those concerns through the IEP process✔️ improve your ability to have productive conversationsEvery month, Michigan Alliance for Families offers a free online "IEP: A Closer Look" webinar, scheduled at different times of day to meet the needs of parents and caregivers.Monday May 19 at 2pmtinyurl.com/4jd3t6zvThursday June 26 at 9:30amtinyurl.com/yyzz5m83Visit our website calendar for full details, more learning opportunities, and easy registration www.michiganallianceforfamilies.org/upcoming-events/ ... See MoreSee Less
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IDEAs that Work

Funding Statement

Michigan Alliance for Families is a Michigan Department of Education IDEA Grant Funded Initiative. Michigan Alliance for Families is our state's federally funded Parent Training and Information Center. The contents of this website were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, H328M200015. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, David Emenheiser.