Handouts for Michigan Alliance for Families workshop: Collaborating on Transition

  1. Collaborating on Transition PowerPoint- 1 slide per page (updated 1-25)
  2. Collaborating on Transition PowerPoint- 3 slides per page (updated 1-25)
  3. Transition Step By Step: From Special Education to Adulthood An outline for the active steps to take at specific ages
  4. How Can My Child Be Involved in  the IEP Process?
  5. Educational Development Plan Fact Sheet Family Matters
  6. Self-Advocacy Tips for Vocational Rehabilitation Suggestions for students with IEPs when working with a VR agency
  7. Age Appropriate Transition Assessment, Wayne RESA
  8. Graduation Decisions for Students with Disabilities, MDE
  9. Special Education Problem Solving Fact Sheet Family Matters
  10. Resolution Options in Special Education SEMS
  11. Michigan Rehabilitation Services Website
  12. Bureau of Services for Blind Persons Website
  13. State of Michigan Introduction to Supported Decision Making
  14. State of Michigan Power of Attorney Forms/Templates
  15. Transition to Adulthood: Your Rights

Follow up questions can be directed to us at info@michiganallianceforfamilies.org, or contact your Regional Parent Mentor directly.

If you need any of these documents in an alternate format for accessibility purposes, contact Jackie Igafo-Te’o at jackie@michiganallianceforfamilies.org