Eligibility Topics

stack of folders text that reads special education eligibility topics

The first step in the special education process is to determine if the student qualifies to receive services. Evaluation and  assessment is also important for identifying all areas of need in the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) statement. IEP services are not tied to an eligibility label, the IEP is individualized for each student.

These resources can help you with the evaluation and eligibility process. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Search the bigger A-Z list or contact us

  • Evaluation Start here with sample letters, timelines, and common questions.
  • Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team MET holds a meeting to look at the data/results, and determine if the child meets the eligibility requirements.
  • Eligibility Categories Michigan has 13 educational labels with specific eligibility requirements.
  • Re-evaluation For students already receiving special education services, eligibility must be reviewed every three years.
  • Section 504 Plan If a student is not eligible for special education services, parents can request a plan for accommodations. 

Michigan Alliance for Families is available to help. Contact us with questions. Check out our calendar of free upcoming events. Recorded videos are available for viewing at any time.

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