map of michigan ISDs and school districts. view detailed pdf at

The State of Michigan has 57 Intermediate School Districts – (ISD) sometimes called Regional Educational Service Agencies (RESA), Educational Service Agencies (ESA), Regional Educational Service District (RESD) or Educational Service District (ESD). Each ISD has a Board of Education and a Superintendent, just like your local school district. Some ISDs cover more than one county.

ISD’s have a role in delivering Early  Intervention services and Special Education services, starting at birth and  continuing until age 26 years.

Each ISD/RESA has a responsibility to coordinate, develop, establish, and continually evaluate a “Plan for the Delivery of Special Education Programs and Services” that is approved by Michigan’s Superintendent of Public Instruction. The ISD Plan must be an operational plan that sets the special education programs and related services to be delivered both at the ISD and school levels.

Contact your local ISD to request a copy of your county’s Plan for Delivery of Special Education Programs and Services.