Michigan Alliance for Families is a Michigan Department of Education IDEA Grant Funded Initiative and our state’s federally funded Parent Training and Information Center. We work in partnership with many agencies and organizations. This resource list, while not exhaustive, can connect you with many important resources.
The Arc Michigan
Advocacy and support for individuals with developmental disabilities. Contact information or local Arc Chapters.
Association for Children’s Mental Health
Resources for children and youth with mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders and their families.
Autism Alliance of Michigan
Expanding opportunities for people touched by autism across the lifespan, including MiNavigator support and employment services
Autism Support of Michigan
Empowers individuals with autism and their families by offering educational resources and materials.
Brain Injury Association
Improving quality of life for all individuals impacted by brain injury.
Center for Parent Information and Resources
A central resource of information and products for Parent Training Information Centers.
Children’s Special Health Care Services
Enabling individuals with special health care needs to have improved health outcomes and an enhanced quality of life. Including the Family Support Network (FCCYSHCN) – Emotional support and health information for families.
DB Central
Offers training to promote best practices for children and young adults who are Deaf-Blind.
Developmental Disabilities Institute
Provides statewide programs designed to enhance the lives of persons with disabilities.
Disability Network/Michigan
Represents the collective voice of Michigan’s 15 Centers for Independent Living (CILs).
Disability Rights Michigan
Representing the rights of children and adults with disabilities.
- Students with Disabilities: An Advocate’s Guide is DRM’s guide to the rights and laws that govern special education and other rights of children with disabilities in Michigan.
Epilepsy Foundation of Michigan
Resources to empower independence and inspiring productive lives for all people with epilepsy.
Learning Disabilities Association
Advancing the quality of life for individuals with learning disabilities through advocacy, education, and training.
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Protect, preserve, and promote the health and safety of the people of Michigan.
Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council
Supporting people with developmental disabilities to achieve their full potential.
517-335-3158 • TDD 517-335-3171
Michigan Disability Rights Coalition
A disability justice movement working to transform communities.
800-578-1269 or 517-333-2477
Michigan Family Voices
A collaborative of family members and individual leaders across the state working to effect positive change in policy.
Michigan Hands and Voices
Supporting families of children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.
Military-Education Directory for Children with Special Needs
Center for Parent Information and Resources for military families.
Student Advocacy Center of Michigan
Provides education advocacy and support, education mentoring, dropout prevention and family support with a focus on economically disadvantaged youth, youth in foster care or a homeless situation, students with mental illness, youth impacted by school discipline and zero tolerance, and youth facing barriers to enrolling in or attending school.
- Extra Support in School So Students in Foster Care Can Thrive Youth in foster care can face barriers when enrolling in school enrollment or making it to graduation. Youth experiencing foster care, their families, and DHHS caseworkers have access to free support from Student Advocacy Center
Connecting people with disabilities to the opportunities and resources needed to live productive and independent lives.
800-828-2714 • V/TTY 517-203-1200
U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services
Work Incentives Planning & Assistance
Providing information to people with disabilities about how earnings affect their Social Security and other benefits.
Michigan Alliance for Families is a Michigan Department of Education IDEA Grant Funded Initiative. This system of support includes multiple initiatives designed to work collaboratively to serve Michigan learners.
Provides support materials, technical assistance, training, and an extensive lending library focused on improving outcomes for all students.
The system used to track activities and data related to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE) for the Michigan Department of Education Offices of Special Education and Early Childhood Development and Family Education.
Michigan’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports Technical Assistance Center (previously known as MIBLSI) supports intermediate and local school districts implement and sustain a multi-tiered systems of support in their schools to improve student outcomes in behavior and learning.
Special Education Mediation Services (SEMS)
Provides mediation, facilitation, and training services for working through disputes between school districts and parents of children with special needs.
833-KIDS1ST or 833-543-7178
Statewide Autism Resources and Training (START)
Promotes and facilitates systems level change implemented by school staff and administrators willing to commit to using evidence-based practices in the areas of educational programming for students with autism spectrum disorder, professional development, parent-professional collaboration, and service coordination.
Michigan Department of Education and Supported Initiatives
Early On Michigan 800-327-5966 * TTY 517-668-2505
Offers early intervention for infants and toddlers (birth to age three) with developmental delays
Early On Training and Technical Assistance (EOT&TA)
Provides support, information, and training related to Early On Michigan service delivery.
Great Start
Ensures that all children birth to age eight have access to high-quality early learning and development programs.
Michigan Department of Education (MDE)
MDE, Office of Special Education (OSE) Special Education Help Line 888-320-8384 or mde-ose@michigan.gov
MDE, Low Incidence Outreach (MDE-LIO) 888-760-2206 * 517-373-2887
Technical assistance and resources that improve the quality of education for students with a visual impairment or who are deaf/hard of hearing, including students with multiple impairments.
MiLEAP preparing children for kindergarten and helping more people earn a skill certificate or degree
Michigan Interagency Coordinating Council
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
Advisory panel that provides policy guidance with respect to special education and related services.