
Return to School 2024

Every year, Michigan Alliance for Families Parent Mentors present a free series of webinars to help parents of children with IEPs or IFSPs as we get ready to head back to school.

  • All webinars take place on Wednesdays 12pm – 1pm, starting July 31, 2024. Register at tinyurl.com/rtsw2024

One registration allows you to attend all the workshops in the series, or just the ones that interest you the most. Miss a session? Recordings will be available on our YouTube channel.

July 31 – Preparing for Back to School with an IEP 
with Courtney Barnes, Teryn Hetrick and Emiliana Urbina

With the first day of school coming, some of us are beginning to feel the nerves of preparing our child for “another first day of school”. This webinar will share tips to help students and parents of a child with an IEP to ease into the school year and start on a positive foot. In this webinar you will:

  • Getting organized for the new school year
  • Learn how to create a student snapshot
  • Gain knowledge and the importance on how to establish routines
  • Learn effective communication tips and ways to get more involved

August 7 – Preparing for Your Next IEP or IFSP Meeting
with Capri Martinez, Samantha Salo and Amanda Thielen

This webinar will help parents feel more prepared and confident heading into their next IEP/IFSP meeting. We will discuss:

  • Things to do leading up to the meeting to make sure you’re ready to participate
  • How to communicate effectively and work collaboratively with the team during the meeting
  • Post-meeting follow-up tips to ensure action items are addressed timely

August 14 – Debrief from the School Day
with Sally Beauchamp, Susaye Brewer and Hayley Cason Grobbel

Parents want to know what happens during their child’s school day. Debriefing, or reviewing, their experiences during the school day can be a great way to evaluate what’s working and what needs to be adjusted. This webinar will give you tools for using these important conversations to solve problems and make plans moving forward.

  • Understand the importance of debriefing and open communication
  • Tips on discussing the school day in a meaningful way
  • Utilizing debriefing to help students with problem-solving and self-advocacy skills

August 21 – Inclusion: Facts vs Myths
with Casey Adler, Kelsey Biswanger and Janiece Dance

Inclusion is more than just placement within the regular classroom. Our education system is meant to support the needs of all students. Join Parent Mentors for an interactive discussion as they review what inclusion means and some of the myths parents may encounter.

  • Least Restrictive Environment requirements
  • Common sense inclusion tips
  • Special education is designed to meet the unique needs and prepare students for further education, employment, and independent living
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