Michigan Alliance for Families has a wide range of videos available for when you need access to learn, understand, and manage topics related to special education. You can find our calendar of future workshops on our Upcoming Events tab.
- Videos are housed on the Michigan Alliance for Families YouTube Channel youtube.com/MichiganAlliance
- Follow up questions can be directed to us at info@michiganallianceforfamilies.org.
Eligibility and Evaluation Videos
Individualized Education Program Videos
- IEP Overview
- Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance Statement
- Goals, Objectives, and Progress Monitoring
- Supplementary Aids and Services
- Free Appropriate Public Education in the Least Restrictive Environment
- Assistive Technology Considerations for Your Student
- Partnering with Your ISD around Assistive Technology
- Extended School Year
Your Rights Videos
- Understanding Procedural Safeguards
- Tools for Resolving Special Education Issues
- Special Education State Complaints
- Due Process Complaint and Hearing
Academics Videos
Early On Videos
- Introduction to Early On Michigan
- Planning for What Happens After Early On
- Early On Rights: Procedural Safeguards
- Early On Rights: Records and Confidentiality
- Early On Rights: Parental Consent
- Early On Rights: Prior Written Notice
Communication and Advocacy Videos
- Disability is NOT a Bad Word
- Skills for Effective Parent Advocacy
- Collaborative Communication in Special Education – SEMS
Behavior and Discipline Videos
- Behavior is Communication
- Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
- Sensory Processing Disorders
- Discipline Protections for students with Disabilities
- Navigating the Manifestation Determination Review and Beyond
- PBIS Strategies for Supporting Your Child’s Learning at Home- PBIS and Routines
- PBIS Strategies for Supporting Your Child’s Learning at Home- Expectations
- PBIS Strategies for Supporting Your Child’s Learning at Home- Behavior
Transition to Adulthood Videos
- Building Blocks of Self Advocacy
- Graduation: Michigan Merit Curriculum and the Personal Curriculum
- Transition from School to Adulthood
- Transition: What You Need to Know
- Collaborating on Transition
- Transition Beyond IDEA
- Transition: Employment Expectations
- Supported Decision-Making
- Rethinking Guardianship Part 1 Part 2
Additional Topics
- Advocating for Your Child with Epilepsy
- DeafBlindness Resources
- Mental Health and Special Education
- Parent Advisory Committees
- Section 504
- Return to School Series
En Español
- Introducción a lo que es un IEP
- Introducción a Early On Michigan
- Herramientas para Resolver Problemas de Educación Especial
- MAF Transicion de la Escuela a la vida Adulta Proyecto Launch